December 29, 2011

James Conrad

I have this friend James who can take an object of beauty and make it appear Divinely ordaned. I needed to capture the essence of my jewelry line--and the relics themselves--in photos. Think about it: a one dimensional representation of something that actually looks and feels like you are touching and engaging with the piece. James does this. His site is . You will see how he transports and places you in a moment. Sheer genius. Here is some of his magic..

Sometimes beauty is all about context ...

... and God is always in the details.

James also has a blog. Check it out: Again, so beautifully done. Thanks Conrad for the artistry of your lens, and the skill and perfection of your craft.

December 28, 2011


This is a sterling silver milagro from Guatemala. The single greatest source of inspiration for my jewelry line, rel'ic.

Milagros (also known as ex-votos) are religious folk charms traditionally used for healing purposes and as votive offerings in Mexico, Guatemala, and throughout Latin America. They are frequently worn or attached to altars, shrines or sacred objects found in places of worship.

Milagros come in a variety of shapes and dimensions and are fabricated from many different materials, depending on local customs. They can be nearly flat or three dimensional and have been constructed from gold, silver, tin, lead, wood, bone, or wax. In Spanish, the word milagro literally means miracle or surprise.

The use of milagros is traceable to ancient Iberians who inhabited the coastal regions of Spain and then brought by the Spanish to Central and South America as portable shrines and amulets to spread Catholicism.

Milagros can be offered to patron saints as a devotion for prayers answered or a petition for a particular need. Milagro symbolism is meant to request Divine assistance with a specific ailment; however, it is not universal--a milagro of a body part, such as a leg, might be used as part of a prayer or vow for the improvement of a leg; or it might refer to a concept such as travel. Similarly, a heart might represent a petition for help with a heart condition, romance, or forgiveness. Milagros are also talismans carried for protection and good fortune.

I began incorporating milagros into all of my pieces until exuberance got the best of me, and creative and cultural boundaries began to dissipate. The possibilities suddenly seemed endless.

And I saw this...

Then imagined this...

And felt this: myself back in Antigua relaxing in a courtyard patio, surrounded by bougainvillea, sipping café-con-leche and paying homage to nearby feisty Fuego. Distant church bells and the pungent aroma of incense beckoned worshippers back.

Designing rel'ic pieces is a way of returning to a place and time I can never really go back to. And it's my way of anticipating all that is yet to be explored and experienced.

My website and pieces can all be viewed and purchased at .